

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Books – Best Friend for Life

Have you ever thought why books are called Best friends?
Has this question ever occurred to you? If yes, I hope you will agree to the content below:
Books, something that you have been relied on to right from infancy in the form of picture or story books to your daily life no matter in which Class / profession you are or will be. For anything a student / teacher achieve in life, they owe a large part of their excellence to books or reading. This becomes possible only when a student’s knowledge is complemented by Helpbooks / Newspapers / Reference Sources*
 in addition to textbook knowledge or classroom teaching. This is where your School Library helps you the most as you get reading facility within its premises without paying extra fee.
Books can prove to be a helping aid for you in many ways which you may not realise now but will do sometime soon, like:
  • In making independent opinion
  • Improves communication and writing skills
  • Being an effective speaker
  • Being updated about worldly events
  • Being confident to take part in literary Quests,  quiz, brainmasters 
All these qualities are essential when you pass out from school and prepare for higher studies or seek jobs. At that time you will realise that reading helps you a lot to get through competition exams without much effort if you have been a thorough reader throughout. Not only this, you will always be in a position to make best decision with respect to your career. All this can be possible only if you try and generate love for books which will always give you too much without asking anything in return. For this, you may start to read story books or children magazines you like or any of the classics listed below. I am sure once you devote your time to reading, you will eventually become a habitual reader without notice and will get hooked to other type of books and there will be no turning back.
All the best and happy reading….      
Some classic stories which can be referred to:
  • The Blue Umbrella by Ruskin Bond
  • Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
  • Adventures of Rusty by Ruskin Bond
  • Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
  • Charlie and the chocolate factory by Roald Dahl
  • The Famous Five by Enid Blyton
  • The Time Machine by H. G. Wells and many more…………….
 *Reference Sources include Encyclopedia, Yearbooks, Dictionary, Glossary, Thesaurus etc.
       -By Kriti Soni (Lib)

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